First and foremost, all thanks and praise is to Allah for providing us with the Blessed Quran and giving us the ability to maintain this. Then...
The following organisations / people have contributed to, directly or indirectly:
- Khaled Hosny for the Amiri Font and the Qur'an Unicode Text
- Quran Academy for the edited Uthmanic Quran Text and the Kitab font
- The team @
- - where all the text comes from
- Yasser Atia
- Slim Framework
- JQuery / Apache / PHP / Twitter Bootstrap / Composer
- CircleCI, Docker and Portainer
- Linux / Ubuntu / Debian
- All Translators and Reciters
- Vesica - for hosting
- Bootswatch - for the Paper theme
- David Stutz - for Bootstrap multiselect
- Media Elements JS
- Google Early Access Fonts
- Mishary Alafasy - for the beautiful recitation used on this website
- Quran Central for the surah audio files on the CDN
- Every Ayah for the ayah audio files on the CDN