بِسْمِ ٱللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Al Quran Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Al Quran Cloud provides an open CDN to serve ayah and surah audio files and Quran ayah images to allow you integrate media into your app. The documentation below explains how to access the media. Please note that the CDN is available over both http and https.

Audio files by Ayah

Audio files by ayah are also referenced in the API responses for audio editions via https://api.alquran.cloud/v1/edition/format/audio. To use a particular edition for a surah to stream by ayah: https://api.alquran.cloud/v1/surah/1/ar.alafasy.

Ayah audio files can be accessed on the CDN directly via the following URL:



Audio files by Surah

Surah audio files are available to stream via the CDN. Please note that surah audio files are not integrated with the API as the API deals with with ayah level detail. For programmatic integration, you can use the JSON list of audio editions by surah at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/islamic-network/cdn/master/info/cdn_surah_audio.json Surah audio files can be accessed on the CDN directly via the following URL:



Image files can be accessed via the CDN in normal and high resolution using the following URLs:

https://cdn.islamic.network/quran/images/{surah}_{ayah}.png or https://cdn.islamic.network/quran/images/high-resolution/{surah}_{ayah}.png
  • {surah} - A surah number (from 1 to 114)
  • {ayah} - An ayah number relative to the surah
